Board Members & By-Laws
2024-2025 Board Members
President: Michael Houlihan
Vice President: Marty Bruno
Treasurer: Jonathan Morini
Recording Secretary: Jane Oldfield-Spearman
Corresponding Secretary: Karen Simmons
Dist 1 Representative: Tim Honey
Dist 2 Representative: Katharine Stewart
Dist 3 Representative: Open position
Dist 4 Representative: Lorinda Valls
At-Large Members:
Dave Backman
Catlin Byers
Dawn-Marie Hutchinson
Eva Morse
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ARTICLE 1 - Name/Location
The Association is to be called The Long Island Civic Association. Association headquarters is Long Island, Casco Bay, Maine.
ARTICLE 2 - Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to improve, protect, and better Long Island for the benefit of property owners, renters, and other residents. It shall be a non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine.
ARTICLE 3 - Organization
3.1 Officers of the association are the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
3.2 The Board of Directors consists of the above Officers, the most recent Past President, no more than five At-Large Representatives, and one Representative from each of the four Island districts described in Article 8
3.3 The President and Recording Secretary shall be elected in the odd numbered years.
3.4 The Vice President, the Treasurer and the Corresponding Secretary shall be elected in the even numbered years.
3.5 The District Representatives shall be elected in the even numbered years.
3.6 The At-Large Representatives shall be elected in the odd numbered years.
3.7 Elections will take place at the Annual Meeting and all terms will be for two years.
ARTICLE 4 - Meetings
4.1 Three general meetings will be held per year - one in June, one in July, and one in August to be considered the Annual Meeting. Times and places for the meetings will be determined by the Board of Directors.
4.2 Members will be notified of the time, date, place, and purpose of each meeting at least 5 days in advance. Annual meetings require published notice of at least two weeks.
4.3 Special meetings may be called for by the President, or be initiated by a written petition from any 10 members to the Board of Directors.
4.4 Parliamentary procedures for all Association and committee meetings will be according to the Roberts Rules of Order.
4.5 To conduct business at any general or special meeting, a quorum of 15 members must be present. Each paid member shall have one vote.
4.6 Family membership entitles you to 2 votes and single membership entitles you to 1 vote at general or special meetings.
4.7 To conduct business at any Board meeting, a quorum of 6 Board members must be present.
ARTICLE 5 - Membership and Dues
5.1 Membership in the Association is open to all past or present property owners, occupants, and renters of Long Island property, their family members, and other interested parties.
5.2 Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and approved by members at a general meeting. Notification of any proposed change must be included in the meeting notice.
5.3 Dues will be due and payable on or before January 1st of each year.
5.4 Members who have not paid their dues by the following June 1stwill be considered delinquent and will be dropped from membership.
5.5 Paid membership entitles you to a subscription to the LICA Newsletter.
ARTICLE 6 - Duties of the Officers
6.1 The President will serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and conduct all meetings of the organization, appoint the heads of all committees, and act as an ex-officio member of all committees.
6.2 The Vice President will assist the President and perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.
6.3 The Recording Secretary will record the minutes of each meeting and submit them for amendment and approval at the following meeting. In the absence of a Corresponding Secretary, the the Recording Secretary will assume those duties.
6.4 The Corresponding Secretary will prepare and answer correspondence at the direction of the President.
6.5 The Treasurer will keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the Association. · The Treasurer will also present an up-to-date accounting at each general meeting and·a report for the preceding year at the Association's annual meeting.
ARTICLE 7 - Board of Directors/Budget
7.1 The Board of Directors will act in behalf of the membership to carry out the plans and purposes of the Association and its committees.
7.2 Should a vacancy occur in any board position, the President - with Board approval - may appoint a successor to fill the Board member's unexpired term.
7.3 The Board of Directors shall prepare an annual budget. The budget shall be presented and voted upon at the Annual Meeting.
7.4 Within guidelines established by the board, expenditures can be approved by the President or Vice President for payment by the Treasurer. Expenditures that exceed budgeted amounts or appropriations not included in the budget, must be authorized by majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting.
7.5 The term expense refers to bills resulting from projects or programs sponsored by the Association. An appropriation is a gift or donation of funds outside of normal expenses.
ARTICLE 8 - Island Districts Defined
8.1 The following defines the four Island districts.
District 1 - The area west of Beach Avenue to Fern Avenue and north of Fern Avenue.
District 2 - The area east of Beach Avenue to Harbour de Grace Street and the area west of Beach Avenue and south of Fern Avenue.
District 3 - The area from Harbour de Grace Street. east to the Old School House.
District 4 - The area east of the Old School House.
ARTICLE 9 - Changing the By-laws
9.1 Once adopted, changes in the By-laws of the Association shall require a majority vote of the membership present at annual meeting.
9.2 Each meeting will be published at least fourteen days in advance.